
Fashion Bash

Tonight's a great chance to save on designer brands at the Sassy City Chicks Fashion Bash!

Head over to Petersen Automotive Museum between 5:30 - 10pm (a GREAT venue for this kind of thing, by the way!), and pick up designer duds for huge discounts.  

In the past, we've scored Hale Bob dresses, gorgeous necklaces, gifts for friends, and free massages.  It's an LA sale worth perusing.  But get there early, woman in line for a sample sale usually mean business!

Photos: sassycitychicks.com


Midweek Sample Sale!

Attention ladies and gents,

Diesel is having a GI-normous sample sale in WeHo.  Today through Friday, get:
Jackets for $30
Dresses for $20
Swimwear for $15

And according to the flier, a LOT more!

We're predicting some lines, so get there, and get there soon.  

Photos: diesel.com


Shop for a cause

Just in time for Earth Day (April 22nd!), L.A. boutique, Revolve Clothing has a great promotion starting today.  Bring in a pair of old jeans, and receive 20% off your in-store purchase!

Need ideas of what to get in place of you old jeans?  Pick up The Legging by Joe's Jeans - perfect for flowy floral spring and summer tops.

Photo: Revolveclothing.com


Sunday Sample Sale!

For ABNI readers *slightly* north of Los Angeles:

A good friend, who happens to be the designer behind the delicious luxury bathrobe line Daddy's Favorite, is having a sample sale on Sunday, 9am - 2pm!

Where: 532 N. Santa Cruz Blvd.
Los Gatos, California

A percentage of the proceeds will go to the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital School.  

It's a great chance to pick up a treat for yourself, or a gift for a girlfriend!  Don't miss it!

Photos: daddysfavorite.com


Sample Sale!

A stylist friend of ours just sent us info on a big sample sale this weekend, and swears it's worth a visit!

Grai is having a 3-day blowout in downtown LA.  Visit Satine Boutique online to see some Grai pieces (while you're there check out some great Alexander Wang dresses and tanks on sale!).